CrossFit Lite 02/03/15

Burgener Snatch
Squat mobility
Push press, push jerk
Option 1: (If you already did The Open on Friday)
Bench Press to a heavy 2
9 minute AMRAP:
5 cleans from the floor
5 push jerks
10 burpees over the bar
(no rest)
6 minutes:
max calories on the rower
Option 2: If you haven’t done The Open workout yet, you will have one final opportunity to do it Monday at 10 am!
9 minute AMRAP:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts
5 ground to overhead
(no rest)
6 minutes:
max clean and jerk


SWEAT 45 – April 19, 2024

3 X Tabata = 12 min DB Push press Air squat  Bent over DB row Step back lunges DB hang clean Cossack squats  Machine intervals 4 x 2:30work/ rest 1

CrossFit Lite – April 19, 2024

20 min for quality :20 Hollow hold 5 Candlesticks :20 Arch hold 10 Ring swings :20 Reverse plank hold 10 Bench shoot through 50 40 30 20 10 Double unders 10 8

April 19, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:5 reps per side, thoracic bridge5 reps per side, half kneeling wall windmill5 reps per side, rotational medball slam5 reps per side,


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