Mental Preparation and the CrossFit Vernon Christmas Throwdown

Mental Preparation
CrossFit Vernon, Coach Deanna here with some words of wisdom on mental preparation.
I have just returned from a weekend of training with a group of incredible women, and I’ve taken a lot away from the weekend. One thing that I learned is that many people, at some point in their CrossFit path, will struggle with self doubt or mental obstacles. We discussed what to do with those ‘inner demons’. I think the mental obstacles far outweigh the physical. And they can hold us back from reaching our potential.
To make a long story short, I say: stay positive with yourself. Speak highly of your accomplishments. It’s okay to be proud of yourself! Celebrate victories; however small, or large. Positively visualize yourself doing the things that you struggle with. Don’t beat yourself up about things you cannot do. We all have things we cannot YET do. That is what makes our sport so frustrating, and so amazing.
As Emily Beers said this weekend, “you can’t control your thoughts, you CAN only control which ones you listen to.” So on that note…the CrossFit Vernon Christmas Throwdown is next Saturday. You can’t control your thoughts. But you can control what you do with them. I would like everyone to enjoy the process and enjoy the workouts next weekend. It’s normal to be nervous, but you may find some perspective in remembering that, (this is what I tell myself before competitions)… we are just working out. It is just a workout, you will survive, and you will make it through.
How lucky are we that we get to move our bodies, that we get to do amazing feats everyday at the gym? Did you ever think when you started CrossFit that you’d be able to do what you can do now?
What I’m asking of you all, is to take some time to set some goals. There is a difference between goals and expectations. Expectations are heavily weighted, in my eyes, and set us up for disappointment. Goals are realistic, achievable, and challenging. Your goal might be to finish all the workouts, it might be to approach the workouts with a good attitude, it might be to have pace yourself, it might be to have fun, it might be to win! Whatever it is, set it. And then spend the next few days positively visualizing that happening. Visual yourself moving under the heavy weight with determination and grace. Visualize yourself getting through that tough gymnastics movement. I know you don’t know the workouts, but take those things you struggle with, and approach them with some confidence in yourself.
When we say, “I can’t do that”, or allow our thoughts of doubt to take over, we aren’t giving our physical body a chance. As Emily Abbott said this weekend, “stomp that shit out.” Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves? Stop it right now, and understand that you are amazing.
I’m asking you all to enjoy the process, because your coaches are proud of you. I don’t care how people place, the most important thing to me is that you move well and you achieve your goals. We want you to hold your head high and do YOUR best. Not be better than someone ELSE…
We want you to do what you have been visualizing or hoping for, or working towards. You’ve done the work, now let’s enjoy that.
With regards to the Throwdown, I know I persuaded a lot of you to participate, but it’s because I know you’ll love it. It’s meant to be FUN. It’s for charity. It’s for our community. Thank you to those who have respectfully declined and offered to help. You are gems. To those who are signed up, thank you for your courage. To those who are still unsure, just know that you are always welcome.
Here are the list of participants for next weekends event!
Please private message Deanna if you would like to add your name to the list, AND I apologize if I missed anyone. This list is hard to read, and not everyone confirmed with me. Again, please message me if that’s the case.
Isabel Alberto – Scaled
Ryan Angman – RX
Greg Apps – RX
Sandy Arnold – RX
Axel Barta – RX
Eric Beaulieu – RX
Erin Black – Scaled
Gina Broere – RX
Carla Brunelle – RX
Kim Carlson – Scaled
Bryan Carruthers – RX
Marin Carruthers – Scaled
Ben Cave – RX
Jodi Cecchini- RX
Alastair Crick – RX
Jessica Crick – Scaled
Susan Cunningham – Scaled
Brenda DeHaan – Scaled
Michelle Freebairn – Scaled
Anthony Gamage – RX
Dave Gillespie – RX
Florian Grob – RX
Tony Heizmann – Scaled
Brooke Holton – Scaled
Lance Johnson – RX
Michelle Little – Scaled
Landon Mackay – RX
Michelle Marlow – Scaled
Ian McKill – Scaled
Dell Meredith – Scaled
Ryan Morrison – RX
Brett Nassichuk – RX
Sam Nuyens – Scaled
Erin Pike – RX
Lucy Randle – RX
Tasha Reibin – Scaled
Jennifer Rosenberger – RX
Kalyn Scales – Scaled
Holly Schellenberg – Scaled
Terri Stevens – RX
Craig Stevens (still confirming with work)
Megan Stone – Scaled
Deane Studer – RX
Rod Tanner – RX
Greg Ternan – RX
Jen Ternan – Scaled
Lesley Thibault – RX
Mark Van Deursen – RX
Garry Van Soest – RX
Amanda Watson – RX
Cindy Worth – Scaled
Loralie Whibley – Scaled
CrossFit Teens:
Rylie Tanner – RX
Owen McKill – Scaled
Megan Stevens – scaled
I’m looking forward to watching you all. Smile. You’re all amazing. #you’realreadywinning #positivevisualization #crossfitvernon #christmascharity #allproceedsgotocharity #kidsport #spca #community @crossfitvernon #jeremymeredith #deannafester Jeremy Meredith Deanna Fester — at CrossFit Vernon.


April 25, 2024

In 8 sets, work to a heavy set of 2 deadlifts, not touch and go 5 sets, every 3:00 minutes:10 heels elevated goblet squats10 feet

SWEAT 45 – April 24, 2024

9 Min Amrap BBW50’ Walking lunge 25’ Seal slider 20 sit ups 25’ bear crawl  Every 4:00 x 3 MWG = 12 min5 BB back squats 6 shuttle runs 12


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