With the conclusion of The Open we are going to start a new 9 week program that I’ve been working on over the past few weeks. I’m pretty excited about this template. The goal will be to improve strength and body awareness with less of a focus on metcons. Ideally, this will get you all ‘beach-ready’ while continuing to work the finer skills of CrossFit. The reduced volume will leave you with a little left in the tank to enjoy all the outdoor activities that living in the Okanagan has to offer!
We will be alternating strength training days with gymnastics focused metcon days. So every other week we will have either two or three metcons only. This is a bold move in programming for CrossFitters as we all love the metcons but this will be a good step back and offer a really good chance to focus heavily on proper technique. I would love continued feedback on your experiences with the training days.
500m row
Goblet squat 2×10
Wall squat 2×10
Dowel pass-through 2×10
Beat swing, 2×10
1. Dead-lift 5RM
2. Back squat 10 sets x 2 reps on 60s @50-60% of 1RM.
3. Alternating on 60s, max reps chin-ups, max reps ring push-ups x 3 each


May 1, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:30 seconds hanstand hold10 candle sticks5/5 ring pistols5 skin the cats 3 rounds for time:20 calories16 kettlebell swings12 goblet squats

April 30, 2024

Push press 10-8-6-4-2-2-2-2 *Reset for every rep 1-2 warm-ups + 3 heavy sets:6-8 dumbbell bench press6-8 barbell bent over rows 10-10-8-8-6-6Single-arm dumbbell high pullSingle-arm dumbbell strict


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