The importance of Non-Scale Victories

Who has ever been discouraged by the scale? 

Body weight is a very fluid and dynamic measure. Your weight can change based on your hydration, workout, stress, hormone status and the size of your last meal just to name a few! It will also fluctuate, day to day and hour to hour!

AND…the scale also doesn’t HI5 you for gaining lean muscle mass, hitting PR’s, sleeping better or less body aches and pains. 

Instead of chasing a three digit number on a scale, remember to celebrate and be aware of all the wonderful changes that are happening to your health and your body that can’t be computed on an electronic device. 

  1. Next time you wear an article of clothing that fits LOOSE or more Comfortable….Complement yourself in the mirror!
  1. Hit a new gym PR?  Remember that accomplished feeling and record it!
  1. Had a great nights’ sleep? Pay attention to how productive you are the next day! 
  1. Feel less inflamed/joint pain or sore after a workout? Maybe you have motivation to do an extra workout that week! 
  1. Did someone compliment you? THANK THEM!
  1. Less stress around food and enjoy eating? Now that’s living!

Be proud of yourself for taking control of your health and for all the knowledge you have acquired on your nutrition journey.  Don’t become consumed by the number on the scale as it doesn’t define your EFFORT OR highlight all the things happening on the INSIDE of your body. Celebrate the non-scale victories! This is what will keep you motivated FOREVER, and as we know, consistency is most important!

– Coach Tavia


CrossFit Lite – May 3, 2024

4 rounds 20 min Core circuit for quality 50 Russian twists 60s plank hold 5 Dragonfly or candlestick 16 weighted dead bugs  20 min to build to a heavy

May 3, 2024

Snatch warm-up EMOM x6 @light, building to moderate:1 snatch from above the knee1 snatch from below the knee1 snatch from the floor EMOM x6 @moderate,


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