June 8, 2023

2 sets:
10 reps per side, adductor dip
10 reps per side, T-hip rotation
5 reps per side, thoracic bridge

2 sets:
10 reps per side, floor slider side lunge to bowler squat
10 reps per side, wide stance band rotation

2 sets:
10 reps per side, split stance band row
10 reps per side, weighted box step-ups

3 sets:
20 alternating kettlebell side lunge with pass
5 reps per side, heavy half turkish getup

3 minutes on, 1 minute off x 5 sets:
1. 90 seconds calories into… AMRAP burpee box jump overs
2. 90 seconds calories into… AMRAP alternating dumbbell snatch
3. 90 seconds calories into… AMRAP burpee box jump overs
4. 90 seconds calories into… AMRAP alternating hang dumbbell clean and jerk
5. 90 seconds calories into… AMRAP burpee box jump overs


May 1, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:30 seconds hanstand hold10 candle sticks5/5 ring pistols5 skin the cats 3 rounds for time:20 calories16 kettlebell swings12 goblet squats

April 30, 2024

Push press 10-8-6-4-2-2-2-2 *Reset for every rep 1-2 warm-ups + 3 heavy sets:6-8 dumbbell bench press6-8 barbell bent over rows 10-10-8-8-6-6Single-arm dumbbell high pullSingle-arm dumbbell strict


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