We’ve made some changes to our Open Schedule Options!

The 2015 Open at CrossFit Vernon
WHAT is The Open?
The Open spans five weeks, starting February 26th, and it is one workout a week. These workouts are announced on Thursday evening, in a very dramatic, live, feed. Those who sign up do the workouts and submit their scores to the online database.
It is an affiliate-driven experience, and each gym will ‘host’ it differently. But the workouts are all the same. Everyone in the world who participates, will be attempting the same five workouts.
The founder of CrossFit describes The Open.

WHY do we want you to sign up for the 2015 Open? Why Do We Do It? Video.
The Open is an opportunity. An opportunity to share your workout experience socially with those friends and those people you connect with at CrossFit Vernon. You will also be sharing this experience with hundreds of thousands of people around the world. In 2011, approximately 26,000 people signed up for the first-ever Open. The following year, that number grew to 69,370. In 2013, that number escalated to 138,619 and in 2014… 209,585.
Who is doing The Open from around the world?
The Open is an opportunity to try a movement, skill, weight, or lift that has eluded you. That one thing that you’ve been thinking about for weeks or months, that you can’t seem to get a handle on. It seems like that little bit of extra encouragement of those around you seems to take you a long way in The Open. We see people get PR’s every single workout. They get their first EVER double under, their first toes to bar, their first snatch at 83 lbs, or their first muscle up. We get to see them jump up and down in excitement. We get to see them cry and hug their judge, and thank their coaches, and post pictures about it later. We get to enjoy those moments with our athletes.
The Open is an opportunity for some to qualify to compete at Regionals, and on to the CrossFit Games. Our very own, Jeremy Meredith, has competed at the CrossFit Games, not once, but twice. What a stud.
The Open is an opportunity for you to go outside of your comfort zone. Do you check our blog early in the morning and see what the workout is? Do you let the excitement of the workout rise as your day goes on, until that moment when the clock goes 3-2-1 or your coach yells, “GO!” and you can finally crush it. Or maybe you’re one of those people who doesn’t look, who can’t look at the workout. Maybe you’re one of those people who just shows up, works out, enjoys it, doesn’t write anything down, and goes home knowing they are now healthier for it. Either way, The Open gives an athlete an opportunity to try something new.
The Open is an opportunity to set goals for their year. It gives people a chance to see what they would like to work on and motivates you for months afterward. ““Best-case scenario … maybe I’ll surprise myself and accomplish something I wouldn’t have thought I could,” said Abraham Abreu, a first-time Open participant. “Even if not, I get a real hard look at my weaknesses and can make a blueprint for the next year.””
Making The Most of The Open Video.
This blog post is an awesome read:
Why I’m doing The Open.
Another story:
The 77 year old.
WHEN can you do The Open at CrossFit Vernon?
We are providing people with a few opportunities to do the workouts. Those are the only times we will be able to accommodate. We are too busy with classes and on ramps, to have people doing The Open workouts on the sidelines. So please respect these times:
1) Fridays: We have decided that ALL DAY FRIDAY we will run Open Workouts in the classes. What does this mean? You will come in to your regular class times, and do a workout on the board. The only difference? Someone else (other than Jeremy) has designed the workout. We are hoping this will allow for more people to be able to participate in the Open. Many people have busy schedules that prevent them from coming to the Saturday morning workouts. If you are planning on competing at Regionals and would like a little more time, space, and definitely a judge, please try to attend the Saturday mornings. We also have a couple people that have already asked, can I come to both? Definitely. You could do a very low intensity version of the workout on Friday, or maybe even just one or two rounds, or work on some of the skills, and come in Saturday to “blow the tits off her” (as Jeremy said in class the other day.)
Therefore, “Friday Night Lights” also includes: 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:30am, 9am, 12 noon, 3:30 teens, 4:30pm, 5:30pm and the 6:30 pm will be a CrossFit Lite block of the SCALED division. Anyone is welcome to join!
2) Saturdays: Saturday mornings, we will be calling this, “The Saturday Showdown”, from 10am until we are done!
3. Mondays: Monday mornings at 10 am. These will be during the CrossFit Lite time, and will be scaled only. These, we are calling, “Monster Monday.”
HOW do you participate?
Sign up! Register at:
If you want to judge for people, you don’t HAVE to do this online course, but our coaches do and those interested can go to ‘CrossFit Judges Online Course.’
What division?
If you’re unsure of which division to sign up for, the RX division is for people with the hopes for qualifying to compete at Regionals. This is the first year that they’ve had a Scaled and an RX division. Therefore, we are expecting the RX division to be full of extremely challenging movements like pistols, muscle ups, handstand pushups, and heavier barbell movements. We are excited to see what the divisions have to offer. It is also the first year to have a Teens Division. Again, how exciting!
Most importantly, enjoy The Open. It is an incredible time at our gym, the energy is palpable and we are excited. If you don’t want to participate, no worries! Just don’t ruin it for those who are excited. We can’t WAIT to watch you CRUSH IT!
Why you really don’t have an excuse NOT to!


CrossFit Lite – May 3, 2024

4 rounds 20 min Core circuit for quality 50 Russian twists 60s plank hold 5 Dragonfly or candlestick 16 weighted dead bugs  20 min to build to a heavy

May 3, 2024

Snatch warm-up EMOM x6 @light, building to moderate:1 snatch from above the knee1 snatch from below the knee1 snatch from the floor EMOM x6 @moderate,


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