CrossFit Lite 29/05/15

10 minute AMRAP:
200 m run
10 active shoulders
10 kb swings
10 pigeons (5/leg)
Burgener with Snatch
After the hang – Work on from the floor. Use technique plates for WOD or 10lbs.
Stations: 4 rounds
10-20 second hanging in a ring row,
1.) 10-20 second hanging on bar, OR 10-20 second L-sit, OR 10-20 second chin over bar hold
2.) 6 shuttle runs
3.) 20 situps
4.) 5 snatch with barbell
5.) 5/10 burpees


April 30, 2024

Push press 10-8-6-4-2-2-2-2 *Reset for every rep 1-2 warm-ups + 3 heavy sets:6-8 dumbbell bench press6-8 barbell bent over rows 10-10-8-8-6-6Single-arm dumbbell high pullSingle-arm dumbbell strict

SWEAT 45 – May 1, 2024

Up to 12 min Death by push press  25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:CaloriesBox jumps Sit-upsRing (Or Box) dips


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