Testimonial Time – Brooke Holton

January 1st 2014 was the first day I walked into CrossFit Vernon. I don’t
have any recollection of how I even made it there as fear plagued my
every step. Rumors indicated that CrossFit was a vicious workout
regimen. Having not worked out in the last 10 years all I could do was
pray that I would make it through whatever hell I was about to endure.
I closely followed every step of my friend and future coach Tavia, whom
I was using as a comfort blanket in such a foreign environment. She
took no time in introducing me to Deanna who had the ability even as
a stranger to ease my worries. The workout was everything I had
imagined it to be. “Cindy”, the workouts name, was a bitch to say the
least. I struggled as I knew I would, but was encouraged and uplifted by
the other women working out beside me. Deanna in particular believed
in me. It had been many years for me since I had someone believe in
me. Life kicks you around sometimes. As a teen and into young
adulthood I had been either homeless or living in very compromised
situations. I can honestly say that I hadn’t felt someone believe in me
for a long time. For the most part I didn’t believe in me either. This day
at the gym changed my life. Not in the manner in which I thought it was going to, but in a far more valuable way. Every week at the gym made me a stronger individual. Not only physically, more so mentally.
The women that I have had the pleasure of getting to know through CrossFit have all changed me. I have been able to become the individual that I always wanted to be and am proud of this accomplishment. I can confidently say that I now believe in myself and look forward to whatever the future brings me. I have no words to describe how grateful I am to have fought my fear and walked into the CrossFit gym that day. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing role models and inspirational coaches. I love you guys and CrossFit with all my heart.
-Brooke Holton


SWEAT 45 – May 8, 2024

5 rounds :45 on/:30 off =1:15 =6:15 per round 32 min totalBB front Squat BB cossack squat Swiss ball Dead bug Swiss ball hamstring curl Swiss ball back extension  6

May 8, 2024

Back squat @21X1, 5 reps, every 2:00 x 5 sets 1 warm-up + 3 sets:10 dumbbell RDLs @30X110 reps per leg, dumbbell floor slider reverse

CrossFit Lite – May 7, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:10 alternating thoracic bridge5 reps per side, half turkish get-up10 alternating sit-through5 reps per side, side lunge to bowler squat 2 Rounds


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