Testimonial Time – Kimberly Hempell

Kimberely Hempell Testimonial:
I had always heard of this so called ‘CrossFit’ trend that everyone but me was catching on to. Honestly, I didn’t get it. Here I was unmotivated to continue these gym memberships on my own and I just needed something new. It was actually a friend who convinced me to join, and boy do I thank her nearly every day for pushing me to come. I can still remember walking into the gym on my first day, incredibly nervous and unsure of what to expect. I can’t remember the full work out that day but I do remember doing 75 sit ups in a row and walking like a hunchback for five days after. But you know what? I came back, and I keep coming back. Cross fit lite has changed me. Not only is it the only gym like program I have stuck with for a personal record breaking four months but I also have a community of friends to see a couple of days each week. We work together, motivate and notice the strengths/changes in each other.
But whom I really have to thank is Dee, she has been such an inspiration for me and makes me feel like I really do belong at that gym. She was always happy to modify exercises for me when needed and asked about my crappy back or my messed up knees (both of which do not hurt anymore as I get stronger). I can’t even begin to describe how much your words of encouragement have made me push myself to limits I didn’t even know existed. I mean where else can I laugh and feel comfortable wearing my kitty taco shirt? I can’t thank you enough.
-Kimberly Hempell


SWEAT 45 – May 10, 2024

Machine intervals 4 rounds2:00 on 1:00 off X 6 Rounds200 m run Max calories in time remaining  9 min EMOM1) 30 double unders or 60 singles2) 20

CrossFit Lite May 10, 2024

Skill: Kipping pullups 5 sets 6-10 kipping pullups  3 Rounds20 ring row 20 DB Push press 20 DB FS 400m Run 

May 10, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:5 reps per side, t-hip rotation10 reps per side, single leg calf raise on plate10 reps, tibialis raise5 reps per side, knee


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