A1. Weighted chin-up 3×5 +1-5lbs from July 13
A2. Relax to hollow x8
EMOM x20:
1. 10-15 Calorie row,
2. 8-12 Overhead squats,
3. 6-12 Strict pull-ups or ring rows,
4. 8-12 Burpees
5. 10-12 Over box jumps


May 1, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:30 seconds hanstand hold10 candle sticks5/5 ring pistols5 skin the cats 3 rounds for time:20 calories16 kettlebell swings12 goblet squats

April 30, 2024

Push press 10-8-6-4-2-2-2-2 *Reset for every rep 1-2 warm-ups + 3 heavy sets:6-8 dumbbell bench press6-8 barbell bent over rows 10-10-8-8-6-6Single-arm dumbbell high pullSingle-arm dumbbell strict


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