Adam Gordon

In early September I decided to make some big changes in my life. I was already active and exercising regularly but I wasn’t progressing or getting much fitter. I was overweight and unhappy with my physical appearance. I knew that progress in my fitness would require more than just exercising so I began trying to eat healthier. I made some progress initially on my own, but I was lost in an internet full of different dieting advice. I saw that Tavia, one of the amazing coaches at CrossFit Vernon was doing a nutritional challenge and the timing was perfect for me. Over a 6-week period Tavia helped guide me to an entirely new level of fitness. Tavia taught me about a much healthier and balanced way of eating that allowed me to still enjoy the food I love while still losing unwanted weight. Tavia helped me shed many inches of fat off my body. By eating the way Tavia showed me I was able to lower my body fat % but also, I got stronger because my body was getting more nutrients then ever. During the challenge I lost an average of 2 lbs of fat per week and using the tools I learned from Tavia I have gone on to lose an additional 5 lbs since the challenge ended. I feel like a completely new person. I highly recommend Tavia’s nutritional challenge to anyone out there looking to better themselves and get healthier.


CrossFit Lite – May 3, 2024

4 rounds 20 min Core circuit for quality 50 Russian twists 60s plank hold 5 Dragonfly or candlestick 16 weighted dead bugs  20 min to build to a heavy

May 3, 2024

Snatch warm-up EMOM x6 @light, building to moderate:1 snatch from above the knee1 snatch from below the knee1 snatch from the floor EMOM x6 @moderate,


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