Tuesday, October 5th

20 minutes easy:
50′ seal walk
10 up and down-dogs
50′ tall bear crawl
10 alt. pec stretch
10 candle sticks (tall mats)
EMOM x 20:
1. 3-5 wallclimbs
2. 20-30s tuck hang
3. 30s overhead hollow reaches
4. 30s reverse plank
5. 40s Row


SWEAT 45 – April 26, 2024

:30/:30 x 32DB press Plank hold DB row Copenhagen R Copenhagen L DB skull crusher DB russian twist DB delt fly 

April 26, 2024

Skill: Bar muscle-ups AMRAP in 20 minutes, for quality:1-5 bar muscle-ups or progression100m jog10 wallballs100m jog60s skipping practice


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