Tuesday, March 24

Warmup: 3 rounds:
Turkish Getup with a book/kb/db X 3/arm
Straddle Stretch x 5
Long Sit Press x 10
Hollow body rocks x 10
Superman raises x 10
Gymnastics EMOM x 12:
2- Cross Body V-Up’s
Explanations below:
Gymnastics EMOM x 12:
1: 5-10 reps of a Handstand Pushup Variation:
a) HSPU: If you have a home gym, and can do hspu’s, fire away (be careful with drywall! lol)
b) Pike: in a down dog, lower head to pillow, yoga mat, or soft surface and press!
c) Pushups: touch your chest to a box, or go from your feet or knees and touch your chest to the floor.
2: 12 reps of Cross Body V-Up’s
a) lay on a comfortable surface, pike up opposite arm and leg and touch as high on the leg as you can with your hand
b) option 2: tucks – same movement but bring your knee up towards your elbow
Crazy 8’s:
8 rounds:
8 burpees
8 jump switch lunges
8 situps
Cool down:
Mobility MVMNT


SWEAT 45 – May 10, 2024

Machine intervals 4 rounds2:00 on 1:00 off X 6 Rounds200 m run Max calories in time remaining  9 min EMOM1) 30 double unders or 60 singles2) 20

CrossFit Lite May 10, 2024

Skill: Kipping pullups 5 sets 6-10 kipping pullups  3 Rounds20 ring row 20 DB Push press 20 DB FS 400m Run 

May 10, 2024

20 minutes, for quality:5 reps per side, t-hip rotation10 reps per side, single leg calf raise on plate10 reps, tibialis raise5 reps per side, knee


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