Spring 2023 Training

With the CrossFit Open in our rearview, it’s a great opportunity to reset and rebuild. The first and best thing The Open provides us is an opportunity to objectively assess our fitness compared to the rest of the CrossFit community. If your goal is to progress in CrossFit, then there is no better measure than The CrossFit Open. If The Open inspired you to take your training to the next level or just to put some extra work into a specific area of your fitness, know that our coaches are always here to help! You can easily book a goal review by emailing taelor@crossfitvernon.ca to schedule a session. You can have a coach randomly assigned to you, or you can pick a coach you feel you really connect with. 

With the opportunity to reset and the change of season approaching, you’ll notice a change in your programming. The most significant change you’ll notice is a lot more basic strength-building workouts. Strength, both barbell and body weight are always big limiters for performance in CrossFit and how our CrossFit training affects performance in other sports. I have always believed that CrossFit should be programmed with a strength bias, and that’s how we do things at CrossFit Vernon for most of the year. 

The change in seasons always has people exploring new sports and increasing their activities by getting outside and enjoying everything the beautiful Okanagan has to offer. For this reason, I like to pull the total training volume back slightly and increase the training intensity. This decrease in training volume allows for better recovery between workouts and will facilitate more enjoyment of things outside of CrossFit.

Not everyone has activities they enjoy outside of CrossFit, though. Lives are busy, and a lot of people either have CrossFit as their first priority or, with their limited time… their only priority. For this reason, we’ll still be utilizing lots of classic CrossFit-style training; couplets, triplets, and gymnastics skills and progressions. We’ll just be mindful of the total training volume! 

Here are some details of what you’ll see in the coming weeks and months:

  • More strength training and circuits! Classic lifts are followed by circuits, EMOMs, and other accessory movements intended to improve your strength and keep your joints healthy.
  • Gymnastics skill progressions will be more about fundamental strength. Core and body weight strength will be the foundation of these training days. We’ll still practice skill development but not to the extent we did leading into The Open. 
  • More movement outside the sagittal plane! I am a huge fan of making sure we can use our fitness in applications outside the gym. Spending time on one leg, moving side to side, and rotating are all big parts of performance and we’ll be adding an extra day to the program dedicated to this.
  • Warm-up circuits. Low-intensity, movement-based warm-ups can be a great way to work on weaknesses in a more enjoyable setting and sneak in a bit of extra fitness! You’ll be seeing this more as part of our gymnastics and multiplanar training days. 
  • CrossFit workouts will be a lot more ‘classic’ CrossFit. Couplets and triplets, with workouts living in the 5-20 minutes time domain, and most of those being between 5-15 minutes. 

I hope you are as excited as I am about some new training and the opportunity to progress in new domains of your fitness! If you are curious about your new program, I am always happy to talk shop, so catch me after class or book a goal review and we can talk about anything on your mind. 


SWEAT 45 – May 1, 2024

Up to 12 min Death by push press  25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:CaloriesBox jumps Sit-upsRing (Or Box) dips

SWEAT 45 – April 29, 2024

8 Min AMRAP 250m Row 10 Ring row 12 DB Deadlift  2 min in between  8 Min AMRAP 250 m row 8 pullup 12 DB Hang clean  2 min in between 


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